Out of Character > General Discussion

Halloween 2024 stats


Top 20 killers of zombified creatures
These the are people you want on your side in a zombie apocalypse :)
CharacterZombified killsZombified HPAverage per zombified creatureNoreen39525186praeliator28513234Darian Frost25124339Malaki223291113Flint22121709ShadowJack21512525Dam Frawd205247012The Mad Dwarf19715747Some Idiot19018729Cyclepathick18014187andu159440227Tibbalt1466684Tempest Fennac14211528Kaelani138335824Nergal135327024Snow130250519Khadijah129293522gridflay124170313Victor122209117Imithia117237220
215 zombified critters that were left undead have been killed off properly.

Cobalt Manticore:
 :Funny_Face_by_pro_amateur: Good jobs all! :woo: Now let's all war in the Grotto and then wonder why Santa stiffs us, LoL! :grandpa:


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