Out of Character > General Discussion

What should I do?


Hello it’s me… least valuable player. I’m know it’s been a long time since… well at the very least since I’ve been around but in general. But I’ve been wandering around with my guys. Little Bunny Foo Foo, Last Laugh and Alcohol Poisoning. But I’m at a loss of what to do. Should Last Laugh try to get his last laugh? Should LBFF grow past his children trauma concerning the pirates and find peace? Should Al becoming a bartender or a drunken hobo? Is there any room left for any kind of narrative or character development… was there ever to begin with… could there be in the future!

Cobalt Manticore:
That's a good range of characters there, I actually like about 1 - 2 of those too, lol. Would not have guessed you were all three.

I'm always trying new things out with characters, classes, places, and someday I'll settle on a good solid trio or just a steady duo. For better or worse or both.

So far I got an Explorer exploring :sherlock:, a Shaman trying to revitalize his nearly abandoned village :clown:, and a Warrior trying to one-man-army besiege a town :icon_offmylawn:.


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