Out of Character > General Discussion
Halloween 2022 Stats
As of right now..
Top 20 killers of zombified creatures
These the are people you want on your side in a zombie apocalypse :)
CharacterZombified killsZombified HPAverage per zombified creatureTheDreadThespian burt reynolds24310444Some Idiot24123619The Mad Dwarf23720358Dam Frawd23222219Flint210222310FlayII17717359ShadowJack163211012FlayIV1638165gridflay151160810Tempest Fennac1248026Victor114145112John Batman1013603Ford Maddox Ford9094510Wicked Rowan82107213frest66113517andu56264047mexkrax463477Atmosfear3135711Plasmecha2041020Gristle1987546
Cobalt Manticore:
Woulda gotten more kills but was getting killed by the living as well lol, they woulda gotten more kills too if only I wasn't distracting them. :diablo:
Can't wait for this year's. :coffee: 2023!
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