Out of Character > General Discussion
Halloween 2021 stats
Top 20 killers of zombified creatures
These the are people you want on your side in a zombie apocalypse :)
CharacterZombified killsZombified HPAverage per zombified creaturefrest23319188Flint19418789Some Idiot146202013The Mad Dwarf137150510Dam Frawd131141010gridflay12310648Victor97145615andu79239030FlayII74135018Plasmecha744415Atmosfear6164410ShadowJack58143024Tempest Fennac3751013spooge353259Gud261746sheldonbunny241526Tischalla2485235Wicked Rowan2429612stabbyteeth2344819Gristle1824413
Cobalt Manticore:
Atmosfear & Plasmecha cheesed out, went for alot of easy kills if I remember. :clown:
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