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Clans / Re: New Friends, Old Foes
« Last post by Weeps on October 08, 2019, 12:27:32 AM »
Thanks for the support Neil, love the lil' history lesson as well!

Co-ordinating stuff in real-time is super-fun (if not exactly necessary nowadays), and I highly recommend it. We run in opposite directions like idiots the whole time, because I say 'go down-right', and then my friends swim 8 tiles out to sea. It's class.
Clans / Re: New Friends, Old Foes
« Last post by Neil Tathers on October 07, 2019, 06:18:06 PM »
That be great.  I, for one, always enjoy new people coming to the island.

As the person who created Team Tathers, which came from the result of an epic squid hunt, I can attest to the sound it makes when I apply my coconut oil to my rather muscular frame.

And as the person who created Ragmogaki Collective, we did listen to my chemical romance alot, and some of us became wrestlers, and we know that's all fake.

Don't be a poser, join whatever clan Weeps is making!
Clans / Re: New Friends, Old Foes
« Last post by Weeps on October 06, 2019, 02:49:43 PM »
I can't see a damned edit button somehow, but just to add -

You should totally join us because we've got the best soundtrack on Shartak, bar none. 80s and 90s House babyyyyyyy

What the :woo: are you listening to in Team Tathers? Probably nothing more than the arrhythmic squelching sounds of Neil applying his choice of lubricants to several places in one go, including some that may be considered unnatural. And I've heard terrifying tales that the Rakmogaki Collective all listen to My Chemical Romance. Crikey. And the Necromancers? Well, they're just weebs. We're going to spread bangers to this two-bit island, mark my words
Suggestion Discussion / Re: Excess AP bleed off when fungi sick.
« Last post by Weeps on October 06, 2019, 01:53:31 PM »
Tathers talks truth this time.
Clans / New Friends, Old Foes
« Last post by Weeps on October 06, 2019, 01:52:56 PM »
Hey, I've managed to convince/press-gang a couple of my friends into joining Shartak.

Currently focusing on teaching them and spoon-feeding them some EXP, so, what better way to do so than some PKing? We're looking to see if there's still a point to sorta co-ordinated attack groups in 2019 Shartak, and we're having lots of fun in the meantime (as to be honest, a lot of the historical PKing groups were pretty sweaty and edgy, which would definitely be over-the-top nowadays).

We'd love new people to roll with! Talk to me or DM Weeper#6107 for more details. Brand-new, mid-level and stacked characters all welcome. Our ultimate goal is to be able to surprise-roll a camp overnight and crack a bunch of jokes while we do it, which honestly isn't that unrealistic, since that's taking-out 6 people tops!
Native / Re: Hunting Grounds
« Last post by Weeps on October 06, 2019, 01:18:33 PM »
The Rat Caves four(?) floors below West Mountain Path, no question. It's like playing Dynasty Warriors. I do like the areas north of Derby and south of Shipwreck, though. They've got good spawns of a great mix of mobs which're sorely-needed when you're just starting-out in those cities, and you really notice the imbalance in local spawnrates compared to the shoddy experience of trying to level a brand-new character in Durham and to a lesser-extent Dalpok.

I also like the basin at the bottom of the Mt. Shartak Waterfall. That seems to be where the strong jungle mobs (plus alligators) are spawned to congregate. There's no true high-level areas in Shartak of course, but the areas by Mt. Shartak do provide the feeling you're going somewhere more dangerous, which is quite fitting given that Sacred Space is probably one of the first real treks for a character finding their feet.
Clans / Re: Python Sighting
« Last post by Nithindul on October 03, 2019, 05:43:14 PM »
Word.  I know the area you're at.  That's where I was farming right before the python hunt. 
Clans / Re: Python Sighting
« Last post by Neil Tathers on October 03, 2019, 04:04:23 PM »
I'm sure there's some members who would love to help you out.  Send me a message in game and I can post the news on the board.
Clans / Re: Python Sighting
« Last post by frest on October 03, 2019, 01:39:04 PM »
I just wanted to check in! I'm in a location such that by the time I arrive, the giant spider culling will probably be over. Is there any future interest in ghost ship or giant squid get-togethers?
Clans / Re: Python Sighting
« Last post by Neil Tathers on October 02, 2019, 09:26:42 PM »
Just sent out an update to where I am.

Giant spider hunting at the momo.
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