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Shartak Fiction/Art / Re: Shartak says the darnedest things.
« Last post by Cobalt Manticore on November 15, 2023, 12:18:17 PM »
In the Steve Carrel voice, "No god, please, no, No, NOOO..." :hurr:
A zombified parrot squawks "Raffles for king!" (2023-11-15 00:05)
Wait a sec, they actually have those? I thought these were democracies. :grandpa:
Shartak Fiction/Art / Re: Shartak says the darnedest things.
« Last post by Cobalt Manticore on November 14, 2023, 03:30:23 PM »
Since your last move:
A zombified parrot squawks "I have seen what he does to those who draw his attention upon him. Flee you fool, if you should ever come upon the Blue Shaman of Dalpok, lest he learn your name and add it to his list." (2023-11-14 15:28)
:motz: Who WAS this Blue Shaman anyways?
Off Topic / Re: HoLiDaYs PoSt!: HaLLoWeeN!
« Last post by Cobalt Manticore on October 15, 2023, 04:53:33 PM »
Looking forward to the nonstop Zombie chaos. :chair: Usually starts on the 10/24th, right?
General Discussion / Re: Halloween 2022 Stats
« Last post by Cobalt Manticore on October 09, 2023, 04:43:07 PM »
Woulda gotten more kills but was getting killed by the living as well lol, they woulda gotten more kills too if only I wasn't distracting them. :diablo:

Can't wait for this year's. :coffee: 2023!
General Discussion / Re: Halloween 2021 stats
« Last post by Cobalt Manticore on October 09, 2023, 04:41:08 PM »
Atmosfear & Plasmecha cheesed out, went for alot of easy kills if I remember. :clown:
General Discussion / Re: Halloween 2020 stats
« Last post by Cobalt Manticore on October 09, 2023, 04:40:04 PM »
Skullpion & Skullture had no real solid plan/s, they were just wandering and killing, with a side of dying. :explode:
Suggestion Discussion / Chopper Wares Party?:
« Last post by Cobalt Manticore on October 09, 2023, 04:34:37 PM »
:icon_eek: Just a passing thought as for the usage of human skulls as empty gourds. :icon_biggrin:
Also the ability/activity to put messages in bottles, but they never really leave the confines of the map. :icon_cool:
Clans / Re: New Friends, Old Foes, How can you Tell?
« Last post by Cobalt Manticore on August 27, 2023, 03:03:40 PM »
Dude!!! :chair:
And as the person who created Ragmogaki Collective, we did listen to my chemical romance alot, and some of us became wrestlers, and we know that's all fake.
Kayfabe! Wth lol. :rotfl: You guys still Raise Kane to this day. :diablo:
Clans / Re: Python Sighting
« Last post by Cobalt Manticore on August 27, 2023, 02:58:12 PM »
The ancient scroll on the snakes should help you. I believe it can be found in a hut north of the mountain.
I know. :mfr_lol: I Put that there. That's how I could Tell it was a'Porting. {Checked it, boom, Python on other side of the island... MFR.} Wondering, should we just go ahead and post that link on here or is that Spoilers? :diablo:
Clans / Re: Python Sighting
« Last post by andu on August 18, 2023, 10:00:59 PM »
No teleports, I just keep killing them.

The ancient scroll on the snakes should help you. I believe it can be found in a hut north of the mountain.
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