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General Discussion / Re: Where do You draw the Line in Terms of Acceptable R.P.?:
« Last post by oath2order on December 19, 2024, 11:30:24 PM »
I've been lucky in that I haven't seen much of that. I also haven't been around people all too much, so there is that. There's a bit of smacktalking, and the most I do for a revenge kill is something like "YOU." and then pew pew pew.
General Discussion / Re: Where do You draw the Line in Terms of Acceptable R.P.?:
« Last post by DamFrawd on December 19, 2024, 02:47:00 AM »
  I admit I don't roleplay much. I don't mind a lil smack talking or role playing that fits the scenario, but the homophobic stuff just pisses me off. I'm your typical blue collar, strait laced construction type, but watching others bully or try to intimidate others via hate and stupidity kinda brings me to a boil.   I don't fall into the trap of engaging them, I prefer to just kill em.
General Discussion / Re: Halloween 2024 stats
« Last post by Cobalt Manticore on December 03, 2024, 12:29:47 PM »
 :Funny_Face_by_pro_amateur: Good jobs all! :woo: Now let's all war in the Grotto and then wonder why Santa stiffs us, LoL! :grandpa:
General Discussion / Re: Add-ons
« Last post by Simon on December 02, 2024, 10:44:23 AM »
The discord server is fairly quiet, but that's a good thing. It means you can hop in every week or two without being flattened by walls of text. It's more likely that users who are there are on discord regularly for other games, etc.
General Discussion / Halloween 2024 stats
« Last post by Simon on December 02, 2024, 10:40:35 AM »
Top 20 killers of zombified creatures
These the are people you want on your side in a zombie apocalypse :)
CharacterZombified killsZombified HPAverage per zombified creature
Darian Frost25124339
Dam Frawd205247012
The Mad Dwarf19715747
Some Idiot19018729
Tempest Fennac14211528

215 zombified critters that were left undead have been killed off properly.
Actually, there are quite a few with capitalised second words.

Balanced Stance
Foreign Speech
Emergency First Aid
Foreign Writing
Basic Blowpipe Use
Spirit Summoning
Ritual Feasting
Ritual Gluttony
Field Surgery
Lead Belly
Animal Trainer
Parrot Captain
Basic Pistol Training
Advanced Pistol Training
Survival - Firecraft

Well, capitalize the ones that are first word capitalized and second word not then would be my new suggestion :P
General Discussion / Where do You draw the Line in Terms of Acceptable R.P.?:
« Last post by Cobalt Manticore on November 20, 2024, 12:03:33 AM »
Just in this Last year, I've noticed
    Borderliney TOS Violations
    • Ad hominem attacks
    Excessive and inappropriate Sexual content
    • Tell me if this is In-Character Role-Play, why is it Gaining in Popularity?
    What kinda Island is This turning Into?
Just tell me How things are going to Be here and I'll plan accordingly.

    I'm here to play and have fun
  • Not Log in to Wake up under a Pile of gross Juvenile verbal attacks
or Lewd and Suggestive RP
  • So much Gaybashing and I'm Not even Swinging that way
Ya wanna Swing at me, then swing a Melee weapon, drop some RP Smacktalk or whatever
[/list]but Leave me outta your Fantasies more Suited for Offline or Elsewhere.
Shartak Fiction/Art / Re: Shartak says the darnedest things.
« Last post by Cobalt Manticore on November 15, 2024, 01:25:43 PM »
 :motz: Omgosh, you guys, who, did this one?
A zombified parrot squawks "This is Cobalt Manticore's Island!" (2024-11-15 13:23)
Actuallynever mind, it was probably me.  :rotfl:
Edit: And after it broke two of my best machetes,
A zombified parrot squawks "Have you seen the Shadow Man?" (2024-11-15 13:26)
  :ninja: No but I Used to Play it on the N64. Dark Game, bruh.  :diablo: Edit again:
A zombified parrot squawks "All work and no play make Jack a very dull boy!" (2024-11-15 13:28)
This bird's been ta Durrrham.  :chicken:
Shartak Fiction/Art / Re: Shartak says the darnedest things.
« Last post by Cobalt Manticore on November 09, 2024, 02:15:27 PM »
 :sherlock: O noes,
A zombified parrot squawks "The night-gaunts are watching!" (2024-11-09 14:13)
They got those here too?  :lies:
Shartak Fiction/Art / Re: Shartak says the darnedest things.
« Last post by Cobalt Manticore on November 02, 2024, 09:12:22 PM »
 ::) Rachel Stone's got an admirer. :flowers2:
Since your last move:
A zombified parrot squawks "Rachel Stone is beautiful." (2024-11-02 21:08)
:Hentai_Emote: Someone tell her :emot-cthulhu: HiDe!
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