In Character => Clans => Topic started by: Neil Tathers on August 30, 2019, 03:13:54 pm
Team Tathers is gathering for multiple python hunts, so let's use this thread to coordinate our efforts.
I got stuck in the tunnels... just got out recently. Where are the pythons? Where to meet?
I have been trying to get more information on this python hunt for some time now. I've heard conflicting things from different members of Team Tathers. Here are 6 chronological events that have lead me on quite the epic goose chase:
1. After messaging Neil on the forums, I met up at Port Breton.
2. While at Port Breton some people said the next meet up location was Raktam.
3. I went to Raktam and waited, then another member of the clan handed me a treasure map and told me to follow it to the python. That seemed odd, so I continued to wait and resupply.
4. Another member of Team Tathers showed up and told me the hunt was over, but that we'd meet up again at Port Breton for a party.
5. I trekked back to Port Breton, but no one was there.
6. A clan message says the hunt is not over.
My question is: Where are we meeting up, when are we heading out, and where will the hunt take place?
Despite running around feeling like quite the fool, I can't really complain because I've been getting some excellent kills while on this journey. I'm just a little confused is all. lol
There was a python north of Raktam; I heard about it and was nearby. So I teased it a bit and it killed me twice before I managed to take the life out of it. Now, with 10 python kills, I'll be happy to just help others if there is a new sighting of one. During the days of tracking the last one, I saw no other people around.
Pythons usually generate somewhere in the jungle between Raktam Dalpok and Wiksik. Right now I'm crisscrossing the area looking for them.
Usually we all split up to look for the pythons, when we come across one, give it's coordinates using a GPS (for natives without that skill, try taking a screenshot of your map).
First one there will usually be killed, but stall the python enough for others to come and gather it up. So there is no real meeting point, we are merely roaming the countryside looking for it right now.
And welcome to Team Tathers, the most unorganized/organized clan on the island.
Ahh ok that makes sense. I will patrol the north and report any pythons activity I encounter.
Hey Neil, I discovered your tracks. Are you on the way to a python?
Just sent out an update to where I am.
Giant spider hunting at the momo.
I just wanted to check in! I'm in a location such that by the time I arrive, the giant spider culling will probably be over. Is there any future interest in ghost ship or giant squid get-togethers?
I'm sure there's some members who would love to help you out. Send me a message in game and I can post the news on the board.
Word. I know the area you're at. That's where I was farming right before the python hunt.
Since it's Halloween, I'm looking for zombified (or fresh) Pythons or Giant Squids; if anyone sees any post and we can have multiple people get kills off the same one.
Incidentally AlexanderRM has 500 ap stored up from bonus AP days (from staying logged in but lying down at the Raktam shaman while my other characters were active for years); I'm thinking of standing up and searching but it seems like a bit of a waste. Does anyone have recommendations on how to search for pythons? Just move diagonally through the jungle all over the place? Am I better off searching for giant squids in shallow or deep water (or along the beach for low AP cost)?
Giant Squid. Top of Rakmogak. -70.150,+26.578 "Regaining your balance after what would have been a complete miss, you manage a glancing blow.
You attack the giant squid with a machete for 1 damage. You gain 1 XP. It drops to 449 HP."
just east of Raktam. -70.305,+26.461
You attack the python with a heavy sword for 1 damage. You gain 1 XP. It drops to 119 HP.
A python crushes you for 8 damage.
Just to the NW of Raktam.
I've tried hunting this :ninja:-ing arse noodle. It teleports.
No teleports, I just keep killing them.
The ancient scroll on the snakes should help you. I believe it can be found in a hut north of the mountain.
The ancient scroll on the snakes should help you. I believe it can be found in a hut north of the mountain.
I know. :mfr_lol: I Put that there. That's how I could Tell it was a'Porting. {Checked it, boom, Python on other side of the island... MFR.} Wondering, should we just go ahead and post that link on here or is that Spoilers? :diablo: