Out of Character => General Discussion => Topic started by: Vetari on May 23, 2018, 03:49:32 am
Standard forum protocol with this new thread since we're off to a fresh start and all that.
Introduce yourself, as well as any of the characters you wish to be publicly identified as. Secret Alts may remain secrets.
I'll start.
I was called Vetari back in the old world. Formerly a mod here on the old forums before I got inactive due to entering university back in 2008. Was sporadically active between 2009 and 2011. Recently back to regularly playing just a month ago or so.
The following are my publicly active characters:
Elegost (, a soldier from Derby. Used to be one of the best fighters in Eastern Federation. Now spends his days hunting and mapping the island.
Vetari the Vicious (, a cannibal. Not my first cannibal, since he ate my previous cannibal, Tasty the Cannibal.
I may or may not have others.
Nice to re-meet all of you.
I was called Mencken for the first few years playing here, after a now defunct cannibal alt. I started in 2010, a few months after the 2.0 update. I spooked a lot of the regs at the time by displaying a freakish knowledge of Shartak's history, which I got by reading through all the forum threads...which have now vanished.
You know, I don't really play much anymore. Around the time that I changed my name to Dani, after a current alt and the main face for a lot of my roleplaying, I decided I was getting too obsessed with this game and took a step back. That was in 2014, perhaps, and I've only been sporadically making appearances since then.
I have six characters on the books, but two of them are camping. The remaining four are Dani al-Ghazali, Gorry Louis, The....
Look, I've got all the names on each character profile. FAD came up with that idea to encourage transparency and I went along with it. If you're really curious, check out DaG's profile and go from there.
Can I just say, and no disrespect to the devs, but this was a monumentally bad decision. Those threads were great - the only reason I got into this game was because of those old-timey threads, and having us start from scratch like this, with no private message history - granted, there are plenty I'm happy to forget - and all of that...personally I'm really ticked off that Muad'dib's hand-drawn sketch of DaG that graced my profile picture for years has vanished along with everything else. Can you give me that jpeg back, please? I'll happily shut up forever if I can get that back. It has sentimental value.
I get from reading the admin post that it was not by choice, but...damn. Like, if I'd known this would happen, idk. I'd have tried to save some of those threads. At the very least I'd have saved: the Dani jpeg, the list of geocaches, all the various bar conversations [except The Hanged Misfit, they can be forgotten], FAD's RCoGR thread, the various epic fights on Midway, The Hanged Man, Aphetto, TLL and The Hierophant's various times terrorizing York, and the ghost ship thread. Plus every roleplay thread up until mid 2008ish, before the GSUC bungled everything. I imagine other regs would have similar wish lists for threads saved; Neil Tathers would probably want his various hunts re-recorded for posterity.
Dam Frawd here. I am a relative newcomer to the game. Been playing for only 2 years now. I was also a voracious reader of the old forum posts. Trying to glean secrets from past interactions. Those posts were a goldmine. (I still haven't found where to discover a tennis-ball other than from a vendor heh.) I'm not good at role-playing but I do quite enjoy bumping into people that do. I have a couple of alts. I admit I was tempted to do the character disclosure, but when that started I was was in a scenario with one of my alts that my opponent would have dragged them all into. My chars are all separate in my head and do things because that's what they would do. They don't really have a reason to all turn and point to the guy behind the curtain. In an odd way, I once had another kill a Yorker as they sideways claimed revenge for one of my alts death. That's what I like about playing with people. Things go sideways in such odd and yet fun ways.
Neil Tathers here
Currently have Neil somewhere trying to get his animal kills when I feel like it, and Grunk the Pale is about doing his thing. But that's currently it.
I do like my contests, but we don't have to go through the trouble of saving them. I think the wiki contains most of their information.
- that I figured out where to find the email acct I registered with...
gridflay & Victor here, currently murdering pirates & herbivores, respectively.
gridflay & Victor here, currently murdering pirates & herbivores, respectively.
You've been at that for years now. It's like you're the Aussies in the Great Emu War.
Swarm here, Exterminator's hunting pirates, Swarm's hunting pistols, Leviathore's hunting swords, and Skull Knight is hunting rats.
it's nice to see some familiar faces, and nice that the discord's active too
gridflay & Victor here, currently murdering pirates & herbivores, respectively.
You've been at that for years now. It's like you're the Aussies in the Great Emu War.
However! I am going camping, and I'm not bringing my stupid laptop. So I'll be timing out for a few days. Dunno how long it's been since I did that...
Hi, I am returning after a break of something between 5-8 years. I won't be resurrecting any of my old characters, although I may resurrect some old themes. Look forward to getting back into the swing of it with this guy in Derby:
Emile de la Roche (
Etherdrifter is still undead and offering guidance to any new necromancers that come his way.
Cor Astroth is doing some charms research and brewing potions.
Billfred - a former officer in the York Police who rose to the ranks of chief inspector. An antagonist and co-founder of the (now deactivated) GSUC. Former governor of several colonies taken by the GSUC. Former Propaganda Minister for the Department of Colonial Advances and Achievements (York Office). It was the job of the department to educate natives and convert them to a more forward way of thinking.
Now retired, Billfred spends his days in the jungle hunting elephants and every now and again runs a hunting contest sponsored by the Royal Expedition, The Shartak Elephant Hunters Association, The British, and The York Patriots.
Pirate Eater - a self loathing pirate-cannibal who, now and again, turns his attention to Durham when there are no pirates to harass at the Shipwreck.
The others are permanently deactivated.
Maximillion Pike here. Not in any way associated to Magnus Pike. Kid Showbusiness is my native and Dan jun Perls my pirate. I killed the first ever giant squid and first ever zombie python. That's all I got. If you need a few heavy swords in a pinch for a massacre or a contest, find Perls. If you want a fine story of rummy maleficence, talk to Pike. I do what I do.
Oh hey. I've been gone for a minute. I'm old. I have a little bean kid now. Lot's of other things have changed. Don't know if my name needed to be changed but... sure why not. If anyone remembers me that'd be for Little Bunny Foo Foo and Last Laugh.
I made a big deal about losing the forum roleplays at the time, and then when it got put up on the old forum, I completely forgot to copy any of the stories. I guess I didn't really care after all.
Just checking in.
Hey guys! It's been a while but I've returned. I'm intent on bringing back most of my characters. Right now Uther and his demon alter ego (Bethrezen) have already risen. An unfortunate cannibal now lies dead at their feet and while Bethrezen looks outward at the blood with his evil gin, Uther is none the wiser! ^_^
Mortis himself will return, in time. A certain murderous storyteller will resurface as well.
Hi, I'm fairly new to Shartak, but I've been playing Urban Dead since 2005 and Vampires! The Dark Alleyway since... god, who knows? Since it's inception pretty much. Love old school browser grid games, but I play a lot of different types of browser games ranging from RPGs, to strategy, and even some pure idles: Cookie Clicker, Kingdom of Loathing, Tribal Wars, Travian, Grepolis, 0game, etc. Love old school flash games but alas, that era is coming to an end -- What will I do without my Dice Wars?? (R.I.P.) I grew up on text adventures, as well 4, 8, and 16 bit graphic systems, so that's where my gaming love rests. I also played my share of Ultima Online, Everquest, and WoW, but I'm done with subscription games.
Anyway, I'm extremely satisfied with Shartak. It's been on my radar for years but I didn't have room for another AP based game until recently. Happy to be in what appears to be THE clan. :D
Welcome Nithindul!
Team Tathers is always happy to have new members, the only requirement is to supply me with an endless supply of coconut oil, and be able to take jokes!
Welcome to Shartak!
:hijack: Been around awhile,
:motz: Last two most recent of me in sig,
:rotfl: Make powerful steady allies, it'll make all the differences.