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Messages - Cobalt Manticore

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Clans / Re: New Friends, Old Foes, How can you Tell?
« on: August 27, 2023, 03:03:40 PM »
Dude!!! :chair:
And as the person who created Ragmogaki Collective, we did listen to my chemical romance alot, and some of us became wrestlers, and we know that's all fake.
Kayfabe! Wth lol. :rotfl: You guys still Raise Kane to this day. :diablo:

Clans / Re: Python Sighting
« on: August 27, 2023, 02:58:12 PM »
The ancient scroll on the snakes should help you. I believe it can be found in a hut north of the mountain.
I know. :mfr_lol: I Put that there. That's how I could Tell it was a'Porting. {Checked it, boom, Python on other side of the island... MFR.} Wondering, should we just go ahead and post that link on here or is that Spoilers? :diablo:

Clans / Cyclepathick
« on: August 16, 2023, 01:34:53 PM »
Purpose? To Adventure.
    Current Roster?
  • Cobalternate
  • Chromemagnum
[/list]Plans? Incite insights. :motz:
Recruiting? :icon_rolleyes: Not sure. Can't promise anything.
Alliances to? Nothing personal. :rotfl: We just kill killers and especially those who've killed us.
Explore :Funny_Face_by_pro_amateur: and Try things untried.
One last go-around. :woo: I know I've said this before, lol.
Seeya out there, in there, there!  :coffee:

Clans / Re: Python Sighting
« on: August 16, 2023, 12:58:15 PM »
I've tried hunting this :ninja:-ing arse noodle. It teleports.

Shartak Fiction/Art / Re: Shartak says the darnedest things.
« on: November 02, 2020, 03:42:51 PM »
Maybe I'm behind the times,
Since your last move:
A zombified parrot squawks "I SAW THE MANBEARPIG!" (2020-11-02 15:41)
but What's the Deal with the ManBearPig stuff?

Shartak Fiction/Art / Re: Shartak says the darnedest things.
« on: October 20, 2020, 03:55:50 PM »
It's taking a bit to kill.
Since your last move:
A parrot squawks "Come on, eat me!" (2020-10-20 14:54)
This is concerning me somewhat.

Shartak Fiction/Art / Re: Shartak says the darnedest things.
« on: October 20, 2020, 03:54:10 PM »
Helpful birdies!
Since your last move:
A parrot squawks "I am sorry that I have no healing herbs to help you... Wiksik is due west of here and you will be able to receive care for your injuries there." (2020-10-20 14:51)
:chicken: Think I'll kill it anyway. :owl:

Shartak Fiction/Art / Re: Shartak says the darnedest things.
« on: August 28, 2020, 03:34:48 PM »
Since your last move: A parrot squawks "Archibald Harper is a fine actor indeed. And he didn't teach me to say this." (2020-08-28 14:32)

Clans / Clans Seeking Members?:
« on: August 14, 2020, 03:55:38 AM »
:kittysleepsmilie: I'm curious myself. Got something going on already but I'm wondering what clans are still active and recruiting too. :friends: Guess I could still do a secondary involvement. :coffee:

Native / Re: Hunting Grounds
« on: August 14, 2020, 02:07:30 AM »
:icon_offmylawn: They followed MTV's lead, stopped doing music, started doing more talk, and became parrots.

Clans / Re: Ghost Ship Sightings
« on: August 14, 2020, 02:05:20 AM »
:sherlock: W/o a doubt. It was docked there both times, probably been around as long as harpoons and tricorn hats and I'm just now getting into it. :pirate:

Clans / Re: Ghost Ship Sightings
« on: August 01, 2020, 05:03:20 PM »
:sherlock: Found it again, so far a great place to go when low on Tricorn Hats and Harpoons.:pirate:

Clans / Re: Ghost Ship Sightings
« on: July 25, 2020, 09:59:38 PM »
I wonder!
I have a spot mapped on the W side of the N/W shoreline I usually see a warship parked.
Has anyone managed to stay on the WarShip? :rotfl: Would be cool to catch a ride on it and tour it's route. :coffee:

Clans / Re: Giant Squid Sightings
« on: July 12, 2020, 05:06:32 PM »
Well, hell, Like I said...
:emot-cthulhu: You'll see some nutball Cannibal trying to solo the silly thing, or the body of one depending on when you arrive.
And, yeah, pretty much
Your consciousness is trapped in a lifeless body. The way to free yourself is to assume spirit form so you can float away from it. Since your last move:
A giant squid attacks you for 5 damage. You die. (2020-07-11 16:35)
Hope someone nails that cephalopod's tentacles to driftwood :emot-cthulhu: :woo: to avenge me, or something.

Clans / Re: Giant Squid Sightings
« on: July 11, 2020, 04:29:55 PM »
Giant Squid sighting. Sorry no GPS Coords, haven't bought a new one yet, but it's directly West of Derby.
Skullpion, a native from Rakmogak. 2020-07-11 15:25 You attack the giant squid with a machete for 3 damage. It drops to 240 HP.
:emot-cthulhu: You'll see some nutball Cannibal trying to solo the silly thing, or the body of one depending on when you arrive.

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