Author Topic: Santa's Grotto - 2018  (Read 26141 times)

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Offline Neil Tathers

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Santa's Grotto - 2018
« on: December 06, 2018, 04:34:18 pm »
Another year, another Santa appearance!  What will happen, who's coming to see the old fat saint this year!  Let's find out.

Camping outside the Grotto

Neil walks up to a smoldering fire and spies upon two people, one native and one outsider.  He chats a little before moving on.[/b]

You say “Nice goal to have Moyabu. Let me help.”
You give 100 gold coins to Moyabu Forrester .
You give 1 gold coin to Dr. Vogelbottom .
You say “I'll be at the grotto.”

Walking into the Grotto Neil spies some familiar companions, though it takes a minute for him to realize...

 Neil Tathers enters the hut, bringing a festive pine tree which he sets up in the corner.
You say “Well then folks that time of year again I see.”
You say “And by all that is sacred, TEAM TATHERS IS THE HOUSE!”
Neil Tathers proceeds to high five and chest bump all willing participants.”
You say “Let's partay!”
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Offline Neil Tathers

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Re: Santa's Grotto - 2018
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2018, 04:18:18 pm »
A dog arrives, along with more visitors

Shroombaker says “Greetings, all! Merry Xmas!” with a slight accent. (2018-12-07 19:10)
Shroombaker gives you a bunch of tasty berries. (2018-12-07 19:10)
Shroombaker says “So who's ready for inevitable slaughter of the trap we're sitting in?” with a slight accent. (2018-12-07 19:12)
Shroombaker stirs his hot chocolate filled with mini-marshmallows. (2018-12-07 19:13)
Shroombaker pours some rum into the hot chocolate (courtesy of Vincent the Dog) (2018-12-07 20:16)
Vincent the Dog looks up at Shroombaker and wags his tail in thanks for the tennis ball. (2018-12-07 20:25)
Vincent the Dog says “Woof! Woof! Woof!” with a slight accent. (2018-12-07 20:25)
Vincent the Dog trots heartily around the room with the tennis ball in his mouth. He alternates between chewing down on it and tossing it a few feet ahead of himself to chase and capture it again.  (2018-12-07 20:26)

A delicious drink named Eggnog appears

Travis Beakley says “Sadly still haven't worked out how to make eggnog, but I've got quite the selection of other beverages, both alcoholic and not. May as well celebrate, while we're here.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-08 03:20)
Shroombaker scratches out what was carved on the wall. (2018-12-08 17:51)
Shroombaker carves something onto the wall. (2018-12-08 17:51)
Travis Beakley reads the recipe carved on the wall. (2018-12-08 19:30)
Travis Beakley says “Thanks Shroom, but it's a bit hard to come by milk out here...” with a slight accent. (2018-12-08 19:31)
Shroombaker says “haha” with a slight accent. (2018-12-08 19:42)
Baynes says “I have an Easter egg, if that helps.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-09 00:49)
Elegost says “Interesting how this place only comes alive once Christmas rolls around.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-09 13:13)
Shroombaker says “Just as a courtesy, please don't kill Santa until everyone gets their free swag.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-09 20:29)
Shroombaker says “'Cuz Papa needs a brand new bag!” with a slight accent. (2018-12-09 20:30)
Shroombaker says “What's the consensus: Are we letting cannibals step inside here?” with a slight accent. (2018-12-09 20:33)
Shroombaker says “Styx (cannibal) is lurking NW at -70.323,+26.388” with a slight accent. (2018-12-09 20:37)
The Mad Dwarf says “Hello Folks” with a slight accent. (2018-12-10 07:37)
Travis Beakley shakes a dice cup and spills them onto the floor. They show a four and a two. (2018-12-10 10:10)
Travis Beakley digs around in his overflowing pack for some random odds and ends and hands them out. Getting into the spirit, or making room? (2018-12-10 10:12)
Dr. Vogelbottom says “Ooh, thank you, Mr. Beakley.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-10 14:55)
Shroombaker says “I hope you like snakes, Dwarf!” with a slight accent. (2018-12-10 15:03)
Shroombaker says “Some native is camping in the woods NE of Grotto. Can't identify.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-10 15:06)
Shroombaker peers out the window of the grotto with his spyglass. (2018-12-10 15:07)
Shroombaker says “...but it's definitely not ol' Saint Nick.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-10 15:08)
Shroombaker says “Greetings, Margan.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-10 18:12)

Pass the snake?

The Mad Dwarf says “I see its "pass the snake" time again..” with a slight accent. (2018-12-10 20:42)
The Mad Dwarf says “I see its "pass the snake" time again.. hrmmmm” with a slight accent. (2018-12-10 20:43)
The Mad Dwarf quaff's a bottle of mango wine. (2018-12-10 20:53)
The Mad Dwarf says “hey! no givebacks! ” with a slight accent. (2018-12-10 21:01)
The Mad Dwarf gives you a poisonous snake. (2018-12-10 21:01)
Shroombaker tips his mushroom cap and bows to Wicked Rowan. (2018-12-10 21:59)
Travis Beakley sets up a small makeshift shelf, stocking it with dozens of bottles of brewed drinks from his pack. (2018-12-11 01:19)
Travis Beakley says “No one ever visits, so may as well share some of the good stuff since I've got such a surplus.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-11 01:21)
Shroombaker says “Travis, where's the place you call home? I'd come visit, with this sort of liquid stock!” with a slight accent. (2018-12-11 02:40)
Shroombaker says “/me's eyeballs seem to expand as he peers into an absinthe bottle.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-11 02:41)


Vetari the Vicious stomps inside (2018-12-11 03:38)
Vetari the Vicious says “NEIL TATHERS! IT IS NICE TO SEE YOU!” (2018-12-11 03:38)
Dalek says “WHERE IS THE DOCTOR?” with a slight accent. (2018-12-11 09:31)
Wicked Rowan says “Always a pleasure, Shroomy! Afternoon, all. ” (2018-12-11 11:21)
Vetari the Vicious 's stomach just growled. (2018-12-11 13:52)
Shroombaker says “Nothing but merriment in here -- behave yourself, cannibal.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-11 15:12)
Shroombaker says “NW in the jungle, a native is lurking. Can't identify friend or foe.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-11 15:15)
Shroombaker looks to Dalek: "Is that the doctor out there?" (2018-12-11 15:16)
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Offline Neil Tathers

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Re: Santa's Grotto - 2018
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2018, 03:09:19 pm »

Shroombaker says “FYI: If the scoundrel Spooge pops his head in here, or Anaalipunktio, their head's coming right off, no apologies.” with a slight accent.
Shroombaker says “Three natives lingering to the south and south-east.” with a slight accent.
Shroombaker stokes the coals in the fireplace.
Travis Beakley says “Been set up in the ruins of Fort Creedy Shroom. Made it my goal to remodel the place, including spreading the nearby grassland to it. Easier walk for yeastweed, y'know?” with a slight accent.
Travis Beakley hands Shrrombaker another bottle of the green fairy. "I swear, the demand for this stuff..."
Dalek says “NO DOCTOR. CANNIBAL.” with a slight accent.
Dalek says “GIVE ME YOUR BULLETS.” with a slight accent.
Vetari the Vicious says “I wish I could remember how many times. But it's been ages.”
Vetari the Vicious raises his hands to Shroombaker
Vetari the Vicious says “I'm not planning to eat anyone here. Relax.” with a slight accent.
Elegost tosses a gold coin into the air and catches it. The coin shows heads.
Shroombaker raises his glass of absinthe to Vetari the Vicious in salute.
Shroombaker says “Native campfire detected north of the Grotto. Unidentified.” with a slight accent.
Shroombaker says “Any luck with that squid, Pyramid?” with a slight accent.

With a flurry of cold wind, a certain someone enters the grotto with his bodyguards

Leaky Bocks says “OMG! It's Santa!!!” with a slight accent.
ShadowJack enters quietly. Tipping his hat to well oiled one... he takes a seat in the shadows.
The Mad Dwarf says “Ahhhhhm just in time to see the Bearded Fellow.” with a slight accent.
Moyabu Forrester says “Yay time to open up some presents! Merry early Christmas everyone. ”
mouse says “Hello all. Happy Holidays!” with a slight accent.
mogumbo says “woohoo! coins and darts!”

Santa gets the first murder

Santa kills mouse
Pyramid Head says “Greetings all. Ah, Shroombaker, yes I did nab me another giant squid! It was delicious! ”
Pyramid Head says “Hi Santa! I've been a good boy! Really I have!”
Pyramid Head turns red under his helmet, embarrassed that he said that aloud a little too enthusiastically...
Skallkross Batungbacal says “40 dubloon an' a shovel. Ya landlubber whut deserves the black spot!” with a slight accent.
Ethir Wraithwain kills the elf with a machete.
Ethir Wraithwain kills the elf with a machete.

Neil gets his gifts.

Santa says, "You've been very good this year!"
Santa says, "Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas! Here's a heavy sword and some gold coins. Use them wisely."
Santa gives you 30 gold coins and a heavy sword

I said some stuff in this but for some reason my event history didn't pick it up.  If anyone has it, feel free to post
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Offline Neil Tathers

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Re: Santa's Grotto - 2018
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2018, 11:06:40 pm »
Dalek says “CRAB-MAN!” with a slight accent. (2018-12-14 08:58)
Vetari the Vicious kills the elf with a machete. (2018-12-14 14:10)
Vetari the Vicious kills the elf with a wooden club. (2018-12-14 14:10)
Vetari the Vicious says “Huh. Can't take their heads. Shame.” (2018-12-14 14:11)
Ethir Wraithwain kills the chief elf with a machete. (2018-12-14 14:20)
mouse kills the elf with a heavy sword. (2018-12-15 02:02)
mouse kills the elf with a heavy sword. (2018-12-15 02:03)
mouse kills the chief elf with a heavy sword. (2018-12-15 02:05)
Chompy kills Carrie White with a wooden club. (2018-12-15 05:05)
Chompy carves pieces off the body of Carrie White and begins eating! (2018-12-15 05:06)
Chompy carves pieces off the body of Carrie White and begins eating! (2018-12-15 05:06)
Chompy collects the head of Carrie White. (2018-12-15 05:07)
Flint says “Heh, Chompy is like 10 paces to the Nw. He is at 26 HP if anyone wants to exact revenge for his breaking the peace of the grotto. ” (2018-12-15 06:36)
The Mad Dwarf says “I make it a point to only kill in revenge. Once the scales are balanced, A Death for a Death, I am satisfied. If you beat on me to like 2 hp though, I consider that reason enough to revenge kill you.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-15 06:45)
Pyramid Head says “I never stopped believing in you Santa! Thank you for the gift!” (2018-12-15 07:23)
andu kills the elf with a blowpipe. (2018-12-15 16:50)
andu kills the elf with a blowpipe. (2018-12-15 16:50)
andu kills the chief elf with a dagger. (2018-12-15 16:50)
andu kills Santa with a machete. (2018-12-15 16:53)
Styx kills Flint with a machete. (2018-12-15 17:44)
Styx carves pieces off the body of Flint and begins eating! (2018-12-15 17:44)
The Mad Dwarf says “Time to head out. See yall in the wastelands Chummers.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-16 00:52)
mouse kills Santa with a heavy sword. (2018-12-16 04:10)
mouse kills the elf with a heavy sword. (2018-12-16 04:10)
mouse kills the elf with a heavy sword. (2018-12-16 04:11)
mouse kills the chief elf with a heavy sword. (2018-12-16 04:12)
gridflay says “Crab. Merry Christmas, all!” (2018-12-16 13:33)
You hear Ankoku let out a haunting scream coming from all around you. (2018-12-16 17:19)
Margan starts acting very strangely. (2018-12-16 17:20)
Margan says “The fat man refuses to serve spirits. Were it any other time of year I'd come back just to murder him over that...” (2018-12-16 17:20)
Revenant. swings a jolly jack o'lantern around. (2018-12-16 19:04)
Revenant. swings a jolly jack o'lantern around. (2018-12-16 19:04)
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Offline Neil Tathers

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Re: Santa's Grotto - 2018
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2018, 02:31:53 pm »
You hear Ankoku let out a haunting scream coming from all around you.
Margan starts acting very strangely.
Margan says “The fat man refuses to serve spirits. Were it any other time of year I'd come back just to murder him over that...”
Revenant. swings a jolly jack o'lantern around.
Revenant. swings a jolly jack o'lantern around.
Revenant. starts acting very strangely.
Revenant. says “That was extremely rude of you. Don't see me coming in here banishing the living now do you?”
Revenant. swings a jolly jack o'lantern around.
Vetari the Vicious kills the elf with a wooden club.
Ethir Wraithwain kills the elf with a machete.
mouse kills the elf with a knife.
mouse kills the elf with a shovel.
mouse kills the elf with a punch.
mouse kills the chief elf with a heavy sword.
gridflay kills the chief elf with a cutlass.

 Santa punches you for 2 damage.
 A chief elf jabs you for 4 damage.

 You say “Whoa, fat man has been working out.”
You say “Apologizes Santa, you are a big one.”
Vetari the Vicious says “This Chief Elf is pretty hard to kill, eh?”
Skallkross Batungbacal kills the elf with a cutlass.
Skallkross Batungbacal kills the elf with a cutlass.
Elegost kills Santa with a rifle.
 You say “Elegost used a rifle? Shouldn't he be using a bow?”
Revenant. says “This is hilarious watching the elves and this fat man being killed over and over again! I'm looking forward to next year's Christmas event.”
Shroombaker says “FYI: Just killed the scoundrel anaalpunktio SE of here. I'm sure his spirit will follow me here. Ready those lanterns!” with a slight accent.
Shroombaker uses a first aid kit on you and restores 6 health.
Chompy kills the elf with a wooden club.
Chompy kills the elf with a wooden club.
 The chief elf kills Chompy
Elegost says “To be entirely fair, rangers keep up with the times.” with a slight accent.
Shroombaker starts acting very strangely.
Shroombaker says “Oh sure, punish all of us because of one spirit.” with a slight accent.
Jalba Ja starts acting very strangely.
Jalba Ja says “And people wonder why I formed S.A.V.A.G.E.”
Neil Tathers starts acting very strangely.
You feel an unknown force take control of your body. You say “What with all these shamens and loons with pumpkins running around.”
anaalipunktio kills Shroombaker with a machete.
anaalipunktio kills gridflay with some cat-o-nine tails.
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of Shroombaker and begins eating!
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of Shroombaker and begins eating!
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of Shroombaker and begins eating!
anaalipunktio kills moonglow with a knife.
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of gridflay and begins eating!
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of gridflay and begins eating!
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of gridflay and begins eating!
anaalipunktio kills Ethir Wraithwain with a machete.
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of moonglow and begins eating!
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of moonglow and begins eating!
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of moonglow and begins eating!
anaalipunktio kills Revenant. with a knife.
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of Ethir Wraithwain and begins eating!
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of Ethir Wraithwain and begins eating!
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of Ethir Wraithwain and begins eating!
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of Revenant. and begins eating!
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of Revenant. and begins eating!
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of Revenant. and begins eating!
anaalipunktio kills Fwhip-Thup with a machete.
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of Fwhip-Thup and begins eating!
anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of Fwhip-Thup and begins eating!
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Offline Neil Tathers

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Re: Santa's Grotto - 2018
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2018, 04:28:25 pm »
Aphetto Kabal says “Eh wot! What's going on here!” with a slight accent.
Aphetto Kabal says “Any of you know about true Yorkers like I do?” with a slight accent.
Aphetto Kabal says “True Yorkers don' stand for any whose isn't a Yorker, eh wot!” with a slight accent.
Ethir Wraithwain says “Well, that was a rather frightening streak of violence.” with a slight accent.
Ethir Wraithwain says “Anyone want to help me kill Santa?” with a slight accent.
Elegost kills the elf with a rifle.
Elegost kills the elf with a rifle.
Skallkross Batungbacal says “65 AP can'” with a slight accent.
Skallkross Batungbacal says “65 AP an' I canna e'en kill th' chief elf. Ya lily livered bilge rat!” with a slight accent.
Tioram gives you a bottle of fungi juice.
Aphetto Kabal says “Thos elves aren't proper York citizens!” with a slight accent.
Aphetto Kabal kills the chief elf with a rifle.
Aphetto Kabal kills the elf with a rifle.
Aphetto Kabal kills the elf with a rifle.
Aphetto Kabal says “What about you Santa, you a proper York citizen, EH WOT” with a slight accent.
Aphetto Kabal says “PIP PIP CHEERIO!” with a slight accent.

Aphetto Kabal starts acting very strangely.
Aphetto Kabal says “Curses, can't posess anyone to attack Santa.” with a slight accent.
Vincent the Dog scratches out what was carved on the wall.
Vincent the Dog carves something onto the wall.
Dam Frawd says “Hello ” with a slight accent.
Tripps gives you a bottle of banana juice.
stabbyteeth says “thanks, santa!”
Vetari the Vicious rolls his shoulders and glares at the chief elf.
Elegost kills the chief elf with a rifle.
Elegost says “Sorry, Vetari the Vicious. That prey's mine.” with a slight accent.
Elegost says “I've killed Santa, two elves and a chief elf. I'm off to hunt something else. Merry Christmas.” with a slight accent.
Skallkross Batungbacal says “Ere wi' spare cutlasses or machetes? Ya bilge rat!” with a slight accent.
Skallkross Batungbacal kills the elf with a dagger.
Skallkross Batungbacal kills the elf with a dagger.
The chief elf kills Vetari the Vicious
Gidian Zedbane starts acting very strangely.
Gidian Zedbane says “Seriously. How hard is it to kill that chief elf!?” with a slight accent.
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Offline Neil Tathers

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Re: Santa's Grotto - 2018
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2019, 04:00:32 pm »
You hear Ankoku let out a haunting scream coming from all around you. (2018-12-20 17:05)
Vincent the Dog says “Arf! Arf! AWWWOOOOOOO!!” with a slight accent. (2018-12-20 17:29)
You hear Ankoku let out a haunting scream coming from all around you. (2018-12-21 00:17)
You hear Ankoku let out a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2018-12-21 00:19)
Skallkross Batungbacal kills the elf with a machete. (2018-12-21 10:02)
Skallkross Batungbacal kills the elf with a machete. (2018-12-21 10:02)
The chief elf kills Skallkross Batungbacal (2018-12-21 10:03)
Vetari the Vicious kills the chief elf with a wooden club. (2018-12-21 10:08)
mouse says “Thanks Neil. He's a tough ol' bird, I tell ya. I'll bet he's got abs like yours under those jelly rolls!” with a slight accent. (2018-12-21 22:07)
mouse kills the elf with a heavy sword. (2018-12-21 22:08)
mouse kills the elf with a heavy sword. (2018-12-21 22:09)
Some Idiot wonders what the elves did to be hated so. (2018-12-22 00:42)
Some Idiot snores loudly (2018-12-22 05:38)
mouse says “Some Idiot, I'm trying to earn my gold elf badge.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-22 08:26)
mouse kills the elf with a heavy sword. (2018-12-22 08:27)
You hear Ankoku let out a haunting scream coming from all around you. (2018-12-22 08:48)
Dr. Vogelbottom says “Vhat on Earth is zat screeching?” with a slight accent. (2018-12-22 10:17)
Ethir Wraithwain says “is there an elf gold badge in the first place?” with a slight accent. (2018-12-22 14:49)
Ethir Wraithwain kills the elf with a machete. (2018-12-22 14:51)
Ethir Wraithwain kills the elf with a machete. (2018-12-22 14:52)
Vetari the Vicious kills the chief elf with a knife. (2018-12-22 14:58)
mouse says “No, but there otter bee.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-22 17:32)
mouse kills the elf with a heavy sword. (2018-12-22 17:33)
mouse kills the elf with a heavy sword. (2018-12-22 17:33)
Some Idiot says “Glad we don't have to deal with bees, but having otters about could be fun.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-22 18:56)
Dr. Vogelbottom starts acting very strangely. (2018-12-22 21:11)
Dr. Vogelbottom says “I can wail instead, if that would be preferrable?” with a slight accent. (2018-12-22 21:11)
Dr. Vogelbottom blinks and shakes his head. "Vhat vaz zat? Von of you iz messing vis my head, who iz it?!" (2018-12-22 21:33)
Dr. Vogelbottom says “You! Medicine man! It iz you I am sure of it!” with a slight accent. (2018-12-22 21:35)
Flesh feast kills the elf with a machete. (2018-12-22 22:38)
Dr. Vogelbottom says “Vhat on Earth...” with a slight accent. (2018-12-23 07:43)
Dr. Vogelbottom says “Do forgive me for zat.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-23 07:43)
Victor says “Merry Christmas to all!” with a slight accent. (2018-12-23 13:44)
Victor says “Aaaaannnnd..... crab.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-23 13:44)
mouse says “Does anyone have a Black Rose they'd be willing to part with? I need one for my Museum of Rarities.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-23 16:26)
mouse says “I can pay top rates for other rarities as well.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-23 16:26)
mouse kills the chief elf with a wooden club. (2018-12-23 16:29)
Mr Scavvy returns to normal after a spell of acting strangely. (2018-12-24 04:32)
Mr Scavvy says “Nostalgia is almost as good as Scavvy Pumpkin Juice for raising the dead.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-24 04:37)
Mr Scavvy says “Merry Christmas one and all.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-24 04:37)
Mr Scavvy gives you a bottle of pumpkin juice. (2018-12-24 04:37)
Mr Scavvy starts acting very strangely. (2018-12-24 09:17)
Mr Scavvy says “This is a voice I have not heard in some time now.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-24 09:17)
andu kills the elf with a blowpipe. (2018-12-24 10:02)
andu kills the elf with a blowpipe. (2018-12-24 10:02)
andu kills the chief elf with a dagger. (2018-12-24 10:03)
andu kills the elf with a heavy sword. (2018-12-24 21:55)
andu kills the elf with a machete. (2018-12-24 21:55)
ghostmaker kills Santa with a pistol. (2018-12-25 00:20)
ghostmaker says “Merry Christmas everyone!” with a slight accent. (2018-12-25 00:23)
TheDreadThespian burt reynolds says “What'd you kill Santa for? You sacks of :pepper:!” with a slight accent. (2018-12-25 05:32)
TheDreadThespian burt reynolds says “Is that all I get? 30 rifle bullets? You fat sack of crap! ” with a slight accent. (2018-12-25 07:52)
Dr. Vogelbottom starts acting very strangely. (2018-12-25 09:06)
Dr. Vogelbottom says “I'm getting real sick of that shaman roaming around summoning me for no reason...” with a slight accent. (2018-12-25 09:06)
mouse says “Mele kalikimaka! Everyone have a great holiday and all the best in the new year.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-25 15:21)
Tad Allagash says “Greetings friends, enemies and people who I've never met. Merry Christmas.” (2018-12-25 18:21)
zevna says “A shovel! Where are my crates of poison berry wine, you damn bearded hippie?” (2018-12-25 20:57)
mouse kills the chief elf with a wooden club. (2018-12-26 04:38)
zevna says “Thank you Mr Scavvy, you're no hippie.” (2018-12-26 10:16)
snail kills Cuu with a punch. (2018-12-26 16:24)
TheDreadThespian burt reynolds says “Judo chop!” with a slight accent. (2018-12-27 03:44)
TheDreadThespian burt reynolds kills Mr Scavvy with a punch. (2018-12-27 03:44)
mexkrax kills snail with a dagger. (2018-12-27 04:13)
You hear snail let out a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2018-12-27 06:58)
You hear snail let out a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2018-12-27 06:58)
You hear snail let out a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2018-12-27 06:59)
Tad Allagash performs a successful exorcism ritual and casts 1 spirit outside and away from here. (2018-12-27 12:20)
Johnny Bollocks kills azuma with a cutlass. (2018-12-27 12:42)
Johnny Bollocks says “He was a wrong 'un.” with a slight accent. (2018-12-27 12:43)
Cuu kills Santa with a heavy sword. (2018-12-27 13:39)
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