Hi, I'm fairly new to Shartak, but I've been playing Urban Dead since 2005 and Vampires! The Dark Alleyway since... god, who knows? Since it's inception pretty much. Love old school browser grid games, but I play a lot of different types of browser games ranging from RPGs, to strategy, and even some pure idles: Cookie Clicker, Kingdom of Loathing, Tribal Wars, Travian, Grepolis, 0game, etc. Love old school flash games but alas, that era is coming to an end -- What will I do without my Dice Wars?? (R.I.P.) I grew up on text adventures, as well 4, 8, and 16 bit graphic systems, so that's where my gaming love rests. I also played my share of Ultima Online, Everquest, and WoW, but I'm done with subscription games.
Anyway, I'm extremely satisfied with Shartak. It's been on my radar for years but I didn't have room for another AP based game until recently. Happy to be in what appears to be THE clan.